In a purely clinical sense, there is nothing quite as aberrant as the behavior of someone who loves unconditionally. Love causes people to lay down their lives for others. Love makes some people forget that evil still exists in our world. Love can even blind people to the presence of evil in their lives.

Military cemeteries exist all over the world because people put the protection of their fellow man over their own lives. For some it is love of country, for others it is the love of family that causes them to make the ultimate sacrifice for others. It is getting harder to find people to serve in our military these days. The moral decline of our country is the result of all of us allowing it to happen. “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for a good man to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke) One result is that we once again are willing to sacrifice our children to a false God. Instead of calling this one BAAL, it is on the altar of transgenderism. We cannot seem to agree on what constitutes a male or a female. Hate speech is roundly denounced in all of its permutations and forms. Our children are poisoned by chemicals that are supposed to make them more docile, so that they do not disrupt the others who have no problem with this command, “Sit down, shut up, pay attention, and you will succeed.” Described as suffering from ADHD or ADD these children are given doses of methamphetamine to calm them down.

Another result is that these “special children” are ineligible for military service as a result of the long-term effects of treatment for their disability. Wow, children that would rather be outside playing than listening to someone tell them information needed to pass a test, but of little to no value to this person as an adult. Of course, we are all motivated by love to do our best to help these children conform. Not necessarily love for the children. Rather it is love of money, or power. The ability to control others becomes addictive for most people who wield it on a regular basis.

Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Both compelling and invigorating to the one who wields it. The confidence of being an effective wielder of power is an immense boost to the ego. Love of self in its most destructive form. Of course, I am not describing unconditional love. I am describing a greedy, ego driven lust for power.

Jesus helped to create our universe. He accepted responsibility for His role in our current fallen state. He gave us the self-will, the right and responsibility to choose knowing that none of us would be able to resist the temptations of the flesh, or the spirit. That’s why He agreed to be the perfect sacrifice to pay for our transgressions. Perfection is required to be with God the Father, but He didn’t create perfect beings. Which is why Jesus was born a human being to live the sinless life. As both God and human, Jesus could and did live a perfectly sinless life. He became the lamb without blemish, the sacrifice for all. Jesus did it willingly, not to correct a mistake, but to give us the opportunity to be with Him eternally.

Knowing He would be tortured and killed for telling the truth, Jesus was bold in His ministry. Because Jesus loves each and every imperfect one of us unconditionally; He accepted crucifixion of His body. He rose again to prove He is God. The birth, death by Roman execution, and resurrection are historically supported by many people who are not Christians.

Jesus is waiting for you. What do you plan to do about it? Accept forgiveness, be changed and serve Him for a brief time here on earth in exchange for eternal life. Free from the chains of corruption, addiction, frustration, and more; become a joyful person.

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.

Author: richhuffmon

I'm a sinner saved by grace. I am called to help others prepare for eternity and everything that comes before.

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