God is our Creator. His standard is perfection. He created us to love Him voluntarily. Love is a choice. We can choose to accept His Love for us. Love is also a verb, an action, something we do. It’s not just something we say. I just watched a movie about adopted/fostered children. Kids, who simply deserve to be kids. Loved and cared for, taught by example to be loving parents. Sadly, too many parents are not loving their children.

Most of them are still children themselves, no matter what their age may be. Children are our future. Right now, thanks to the choices we have made, that future looks a bit bleak. The good news is and remains that Jesus is Lord! He died for our sins. Jesus demonstrated how we as people are supposed to act. Love is a choice. God chooses to love us. God provides for all of our needs. We need to accept His love and His provision for us.

While we are preparing for our personal needs, we have a responsibility to help others who are not able to prepare for their own. This is especially true of children. The Bible says that if we train a child in the way they should go, they will not depart from it when they are older. We can make a difference. Be a Big Brother or Big Sister. Be a foster family. Be adoptive parents. Mentor young people, share what you have learned about life. Demonstrate love for others.

I was blessed to have loving parents. Were they perfect? No, they were not. Did they try to be the best and call out the best in us? Yes, they did. 90% of life is just showing up, and they showed up every day. My Dad was there for some of the most traumatic experiences of my life. But not the cause of them, thank you Lord! I made choices as a child that could have been fatal. By God’s grace, they were not.

I am a parent now; I don’t think I did all that I could have done. My daughter has forgiven me, Jesus has forgiven me. I’m still trying to have deeds fit for repentance, as Paul would say. Part of that is this blog. Because God loves me, and I overflow with that love. Another part is to share my love with my daughter most days. Some days I am late in the day, some days I don’t remember to text her at all. She lives across the country from where I am now. She still forgives me. That is God’s grace, His love being acted upon by a human.

CHOSEN BY LOVE is available on Youtube.com. Apparently, they don’t want the link shared on private blogs. Watch the movie, understand what happens to too many children, take action.

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.

Author: richhuffmon

I'm a sinner saved by grace. I am called to help others prepare for eternity and everything that comes before.

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