The end of days comes for all of us, Paul wrote of it to Timothy in both letters. The end of days is not necessarily the end of the world. All of those who have passed since Christ’s resurrection came to the end of their days. The saints that have already passed away will be transformed first to meet with Jesus in the air. Many alive today, will not see the return of Jesus before their days are ended, or more accurately, suspended awaiting His return.

Unbelievers scoff because Christians act as if Jesus is going to return today. More of them scoff because “Christians” act as if He will never return at all. Given that the Bible is dedicated to the story of one person, Jesus; and two events, His first and second coming to earth. It is probably a really good idea to pay attention. I know that I do. Yes, I still fall short and need to be forgiven. Fortunately, I serve a God who is known for His forgiving nature.

The end of days is a phrase that is often misunderstood. Once the New Jerusalem, the New Heaven, and the New Earth are created, Jesus will be the only light needed. Sun, moon, and stars will all be gone. Will God use them to create another universe? I don’t know exactly what the mechanism will be for their disposal. But God has no need to use these same materials again. Although He can if He so chooses. God remains in control, so therefore I am safe. And so are those whom I have been blessed to have placed into my life.

As long as we are still awaiting the return of Jesus for His Bride, the church, we need to be wary, because the enemy, that old serpent, the devil will keep trying to convince us that we will not die, God loves us too much. He keeps pushing the same line, because it works on so many people. Just as it did on both Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden. The only way to avoid eternal death is through Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. It’s a package deal, you don’t get one without the other.

Think you are safe? Children die every day. Infants, toddlers, school aged children, and those who are older are not exempt. Teenagers, those in their 20’s and 30’s, and of course those that are older too are dying every single day. Not all die from war. Some from accidents, others from disease, still others as the result of intentionally evil acts. Be ready for Jesus’ return and the end of your days will not matter. The choice is yours. It always has been. Choose wisely because eternity is a very long time!

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.

Author: richhuffmon

I'm a sinner saved by grace. I am called to help others prepare for eternity and everything that comes before.

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