Currently suffering from a bout of diarrhea. Not certain as to the cause. I have a possible solution from the days of military training. Imodium AD is a chemical response to what is an uncomfortable situation. Should it expand to full blown dysentery, then the probability of dehydration and chemical imbalance becomes a very real threat.

My solution is in 2 parts. The first is to support the intestinal tract by adding something that seems to be missing. In a grid down situation, pharmaceutical responses may not be readily available. There are numerous other scenarios that also preclude ready access to pharmaceutical remedies. Camping for pleasure, or from necessity can reduce your access to stores that carry Anti-diarrheal products. For what it’s worth, I keep a supply of AD meds from Dollar Tree in my kit. that being said, should i have a need when there is no access, I do have an old school remedy. As I said, it is in two parts.

The first part is to make a powder from rocks by rubbing them together. About a tablespoon. Be careful, some rocks contain substances your body will not use effectively, others can be dangerous. For this reason, I try to use something like sandstone or granite. It’s a time-consuming process to make the powder, but it is made from rocks readily available in most places outside of cities and suburbs. I recall watching my company 1st sergeant and the XO calmly rubbing stones together in the evening around the fire while we were on bivouac (military term for camping out). When I asked them why, they explained that in a group this size, the likelihood that someone would need a way treat diarrhea was high. Rock powder will help. It may require more than one treatment. A learning experience for me, a good one, as I have used this on myself, and friends post military life.

The second part of the treatment is oral rehydration therapy. One liter of purified water, one teaspoon of sea salt, and three teaspoons of cane sugar. Dissolved into the water, the electrolytes and the calories support the body when needed. For those who use half liter bottles, add half a teaspoon of sea salt and one and half teaspoons of cane sugar. Shake vigorously until dissolved completely. For adults, you can use the same amount of organic maple syrup or honey. Provided of course that the adult is not allergic to either form of sweetener.

I generally use pure cane sugar because there is less likelihood of pesticides or herbicide use. The beets from which sugar is made are often treated with a variety of pesticides and other biocides. None of which are removed through processing.

Of course, you can buy a variety of rock dust products from your farm supply store. I prefer using products where i know exactly what I am working with. Not always possible, or even practical in some cases. But the more you know, the better you can make choices that will have a positive outcome. Not all choices will have the desired effect. The law of unintended consequences is very real, whether our lawmakers think so or not!

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.


Meatballs, they are not just for pasta anymore! To be fair, meatballs have been used for hundreds, if not thousands of years in a variety of ways. Sandwiches, atop potatoes or rice, in stir fries, and of course along with pasta. Meatballs are in essence, a way to effectively use the scraps and trimmings from other cuts of the animal. When cutting steaks, ribs, and roasts smaller pieces of meat often result that tend to be used for either sausage or ground with fat to be used in a variety of ways.

Should you be fortunate enough to witness the butchering process, you may be surprised at how little meat is trimmed from roasts, steaks, etc. These trimmings are cut into pieces that will fit into the grinder. Surprisingly enough, there are manually powered meat grinders used in homes where even a small amount of butchering occurs. Rabbit is too lean to generate a viable ground product. Beef, pork, chicken, and turkey will often have sufficient fat available to mix in a ratio of about 20% fat to 80% lean meat which results in a mixture that will hold together in a variety of formats and shapes. Most commonly used for patties and rolled into balls, ground meat can be spiced to make a variety of sausage mixtures.

For today, let us focus on meatballs. Some will add either eggs or some kind of grain product to extend the volume of the available mixture. Spices may be added to produce a specific flavor profile. the choices and variations are nearly endless. I will state that my personal preference when making meatballs is a combination of salt, black pepper, garlic, onion with assorted herbs consistent with the intended cuisine. Cumin, coriander seed, cilantro, chili powder, and sage for Mexican dishes. Basil, oregano, sage and fennel for Italian dishes. Anise, chili powder, and paprika for Oriental cuisines. I may add whatever I have in the kitchen if it suits my fancy at the moment.

I suggest you spend some time determining what your personal preferences may be. Some prefer a heavily spiced mixture, where others prefer less spice; it depends on the palate of those being fed. I may add dehydrated tomato to the mix for any use. Adding more colors also increases the benefits of cooking with whole foods.

I recently made a pot of Albidongas. I will get about 6 one-pint servings from the batch. Some of which will be frozen for later use. It’s summertime, but I still enjoy soup. For this batch, I used a single pound of 80% lean ground beef. I prepared it by pressing it across a 9-inch dinner plate. I then ground enough pink salt to lightly cover the entire mass, the same with black pepper, I sprinkled coriander seed, cumin, and garlic powder to roughly match the amount of salt I had previously used. Other spices and about 2 tablespoons of tomato paste were added before I transferred to a bowl for mixing. This may seem like a lot of spice, but bear in mind it has to flavor about 3 quarts of material, including vegetables and water.

I rolled a handful of the spiced meat mixture into a tube roughly 3/4 of an inch across and then made balls about 3/4 of an inch across. The end result was that my 6-quart oval crockpot was covered in meatballs with another half a dozen forming a second layer. I added about 3 and half pounds of mixed vegetables to the pot and covered it all with water. 4 hours on high, followed by 4 hours on warm and the soup was ready. All I needed was a ladle, a bowl, and a couple of corn tortillas. I also ate about 3 ounces of baby spring mix with a quarter cup of salsa. I would have added half an avocado to the salad but couldn’t find any that looked good.

Soup uses the boiling process to cook the meat. It is not browned or precooked. This adds enough oil to the soup so that the spices are well blended in with the vegetables. I like it. Simple, tasty, slow food. Healthy, nutritious and I think delicious. By varying the meat and spices a large variety of soups may be produced that fit the ketovore, whole foods, and kosher needs. Starches may be added to the soup (potatoes, rice, green plantain, etc.) but are not necessary. The preferred spice palette will meet the expectations (or in some cases pleasantly exceed them!) of the diners. Enjoy the experimentation and sheer joy of preparing simple, wholesome, delicious foods. You will fail many times. But even the failures will teach you something.

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.


How many times have we, as adults, told children they could not have something because they did not realize it was bad for them? Or made a child wait to receive a treat because they were not ready to safely utilize some tool! God is our Heavenly Father; with a far greater understanding of the universe than we can ever have. As a good father, He wants what is good for us.

God answers every prayer. It’s a good thing that He sometimes tells us no. It can be harder when He tells us we need to wait. Usually because we are not ready to receive the blessing for which we are asking.

We can avoid both of these negative responses from God by getting so close to Him that we stop asking for something we don’t need. The Spirit dwells within us. It’s a gift that God actually lives with us. A gift we are supposed to use wisely. Listening to the Spirit is sometimes made difficult by our own ego. For myself, I need the constant presence of God to remind me that I have a lot to learn.

God has given me so many blessings that I once thought I must somehow be more deserving of His love than others. I kept asking for more. Learn from my mistakes rather than making them for yourself. God knows what He is doing. If He closes a door, it’s because what is on the other side is not to your eternal benefit. God is eternal, and so is His viewpoint. Trust in Him!

When God opens a door for you, you still have to make the choice to go through that door. Otherwise, it has no value to you, eternal or temporal. When God makes you wait for something, He is thinking of more than just your instant gratification. A child will ask for dessert first, before the meal. An adult may want dessert first but understands that physical health is dependent upon eating complete meals with timing also being important. The needs of a child and an adult are different. Our Heavenly Father understands this. Our understanding is the result of getting closer to Him.

Patience is an acquired skill in this world. It is also a fruit of the Spirit. Bathed in God’s love we wait for His timing. We wait with joy and peace in our hearts and minds. Our spirits accept without fully understanding.

Trust in the Lord! He is older, wiser, merciful, and filled with steadfast love for us. Give yourself to Him as the Lord of your life. It’s a very simple choice. We can either place ourselves and our desires before Jesus, or we can kneel in awe and gratitude before Him. Choose wisely, eternity is a very long time. I choose safety with Jesus and hope that you will join us.

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.


When attending a church for the first time, you never know exactly what is inside. Churches are more aptly described as hospitals for sinners than as citadels for saints. Bible teaching churches are an acquired taste. We get the taste for it from daily interaction with God. Unlike chorizo, I want God and His word every single day. In fact, I have learned how much I need both God and His word every single day.

Without God I would not have joy, a fruit of the Spirit. Without God, I would not have forgiveness, the fruit of His grace. Without God, I might have everything the world tells me I should want, but it will have no eternal value. I will only find eternal value with the eternal Creator. Jesus is the heart of any church. If He is not, it’s not a church, it’s a social club. I want and need to hear the Spirit speaking through our pastor. It’s not unusual for a pastor to have a bad week. Pastors are human beings. I’m not sure what qualifies as a bad week for God. He is always present in every circumstance. I know that God is saddened when His name is taken in vain. I know that He is saddened when any of His children dies without accepting Jesus.

There are literally dozens of recipes for chorizo on the internet. Just like there are literally thousands of churches. Each is a bit different. But they are the same in that each has a main ingredient. For chorizo, it’s usually some kind of meat. For a church, it’s either God or the devil. The different denominations are somewhat like different styles of cooking. Regional variations occur because of the different foods that thrive in the area. Italian is similar to but distinctly different from Turkish cuisine. The spices used are based on what is available. So are the main ingredients for the entree and dessert.

Whether it is carnivore, vegan, or some blend of the two; every style of cooking provides a protein source, a source of fat, some carbohydrates and some spices for variety and nutrition. Churches are supposed to provide us with the Bread of Life and the Blood of the Lamb. Bible teaching churches tell us the story of Jesus, His first and second comings and the effects this had on the nation of Israel. Being well fed on the body of Christ, we are infused with His Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the ultimate spice for the feeding of our souls.

I speak of food pretty often, because we need it for the maintenance of our physical body. The Word of God is food for our souls. God is more like air than food. Most of us can survive for at least a couple of weeks without eating. Without air, we last at most a few minutes. Without God, we have no hope. If we have no hope, we may survive, but not live as a thriving member of humanity.

I have been graced with God’s love. I have the fruit of the Spirit; my joy is not dependent on circumstances. I have a sure and certain hope of eternal life. His Spirit bears witness to my spirit of the truth. Jesus is the Truth. If this is not what you are hearing in one form or another every time you are in church; you may want to reconsider your place there. My place is with Jesus. I feed from many different sources. The food and drink for my soul remain Jesus. Join us, there’s lots of room at God’s table.

You may never develop a taste for chorizo, and that is perfectly fine. Please, develop a taste for Jesus. His death and resurrection free us from sin, because Jesus paid for us. Let His Spirit clear your mind to gain a better understanding of God’s Word. Be well fed.

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.


The end of days comes for all of us, Paul wrote of it to Timothy in both letters. The end of days is not necessarily the end of the world. All of those who have passed since Christ’s resurrection came to the end of their days. The saints that have already passed away will be transformed first to meet with Jesus in the air. Many alive today, will not see the return of Jesus before their days are ended, or more accurately, suspended awaiting His return.

Unbelievers scoff because Christians act as if Jesus is going to return today. More of them scoff because “Christians” act as if He will never return at all. Given that the Bible is dedicated to the story of one person, Jesus; and two events, His first and second coming to earth. It is probably a really good idea to pay attention. I know that I do. Yes, I still fall short and need to be forgiven. Fortunately, I serve a God who is known for His forgiving nature.

The end of days is a phrase that is often misunderstood. Once the New Jerusalem, the New Heaven, and the New Earth are created, Jesus will be the only light needed. Sun, moon, and stars will all be gone. Will God use them to create another universe? I don’t know exactly what the mechanism will be for their disposal. But God has no need to use these same materials again. Although He can if He so chooses. God remains in control, so therefore I am safe. And so are those whom I have been blessed to have placed into my life.

As long as we are still awaiting the return of Jesus for His Bride, the church, we need to be wary, because the enemy, that old serpent, the devil will keep trying to convince us that we will not die, God loves us too much. He keeps pushing the same line, because it works on so many people. Just as it did on both Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden. The only way to avoid eternal death is through Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. It’s a package deal, you don’t get one without the other.

Think you are safe? Children die every day. Infants, toddlers, school aged children, and those who are older are not exempt. Teenagers, those in their 20’s and 30’s, and of course those that are older too are dying every single day. Not all die from war. Some from accidents, others from disease, still others as the result of intentionally evil acts. Be ready for Jesus’ return and the end of your days will not matter. The choice is yours. It always has been. Choose wisely because eternity is a very long time!

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.


God is our Creator. His standard is perfection. He created us to love Him voluntarily. Love is a choice. We can choose to accept His Love for us. Love is also a verb, an action, something we do. It’s not just something we say. I just watched a movie about adopted/fostered children. Kids, who simply deserve to be kids. Loved and cared for, taught by example to be loving parents. Sadly, too many parents are not loving their children.

Most of them are still children themselves, no matter what their age may be. Children are our future. Right now, thanks to the choices we have made, that future looks a bit bleak. The good news is and remains that Jesus is Lord! He died for our sins. Jesus demonstrated how we as people are supposed to act. Love is a choice. God chooses to love us. God provides for all of our needs. We need to accept His love and His provision for us.

While we are preparing for our personal needs, we have a responsibility to help others who are not able to prepare for their own. This is especially true of children. The Bible says that if we train a child in the way they should go, they will not depart from it when they are older. We can make a difference. Be a Big Brother or Big Sister. Be a foster family. Be adoptive parents. Mentor young people, share what you have learned about life. Demonstrate love for others.

I was blessed to have loving parents. Were they perfect? No, they were not. Did they try to be the best and call out the best in us? Yes, they did. 90% of life is just showing up, and they showed up every day. My Dad was there for some of the most traumatic experiences of my life. But not the cause of them, thank you Lord! I made choices as a child that could have been fatal. By God’s grace, they were not.

I am a parent now; I don’t think I did all that I could have done. My daughter has forgiven me, Jesus has forgiven me. I’m still trying to have deeds fit for repentance, as Paul would say. Part of that is this blog. Because God loves me, and I overflow with that love. Another part is to share my love with my daughter most days. Some days I am late in the day, some days I don’t remember to text her at all. She lives across the country from where I am now. She still forgives me. That is God’s grace, His love being acted upon by a human.

CHOSEN BY LOVE is available on Apparently, they don’t want the link shared on private blogs. Watch the movie, understand what happens to too many children, take action.

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.


In a purely clinical sense, there is nothing quite as aberrant as the behavior of someone who loves unconditionally. Love causes people to lay down their lives for others. Love makes some people forget that evil still exists in our world. Love can even blind people to the presence of evil in their lives.

Military cemeteries exist all over the world because people put the protection of their fellow man over their own lives. For some it is love of country, for others it is the love of family that causes them to make the ultimate sacrifice for others. It is getting harder to find people to serve in our military these days. The moral decline of our country is the result of all of us allowing it to happen. “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for a good man to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke) One result is that we once again are willing to sacrifice our children to a false God. Instead of calling this one BAAL, it is on the altar of transgenderism. We cannot seem to agree on what constitutes a male or a female. Hate speech is roundly denounced in all of its permutations and forms. Our children are poisoned by chemicals that are supposed to make them more docile, so that they do not disrupt the others who have no problem with this command, “Sit down, shut up, pay attention, and you will succeed.” Described as suffering from ADHD or ADD these children are given doses of methamphetamine to calm them down.

Another result is that these “special children” are ineligible for military service as a result of the long-term effects of treatment for their disability. Wow, children that would rather be outside playing than listening to someone tell them information needed to pass a test, but of little to no value to this person as an adult. Of course, we are all motivated by love to do our best to help these children conform. Not necessarily love for the children. Rather it is love of money, or power. The ability to control others becomes addictive for most people who wield it on a regular basis.

Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Both compelling and invigorating to the one who wields it. The confidence of being an effective wielder of power is an immense boost to the ego. Love of self in its most destructive form. Of course, I am not describing unconditional love. I am describing a greedy, ego driven lust for power.

Jesus helped to create our universe. He accepted responsibility for His role in our current fallen state. He gave us the self-will, the right and responsibility to choose knowing that none of us would be able to resist the temptations of the flesh, or the spirit. That’s why He agreed to be the perfect sacrifice to pay for our transgressions. Perfection is required to be with God the Father, but He didn’t create perfect beings. Which is why Jesus was born a human being to live the sinless life. As both God and human, Jesus could and did live a perfectly sinless life. He became the lamb without blemish, the sacrifice for all. Jesus did it willingly, not to correct a mistake, but to give us the opportunity to be with Him eternally.

Knowing He would be tortured and killed for telling the truth, Jesus was bold in His ministry. Because Jesus loves each and every imperfect one of us unconditionally; He accepted crucifixion of His body. He rose again to prove He is God. The birth, death by Roman execution, and resurrection are historically supported by many people who are not Christians.

Jesus is waiting for you. What do you plan to do about it? Accept forgiveness, be changed and serve Him for a brief time here on earth in exchange for eternal life. Free from the chains of corruption, addiction, frustration, and more; become a joyful person.

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.


When I travel out of this country, I need permission to be in another one and proof of citizenship to return. To get into Heaven, I only need to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. My actions are evidence of my beliefs. Just as trees are identified by the fruit they produce, so are people. Actions speak so much louder than words.

I both support an underground economy and take advantage of the offering at the same time. When I buy tamales from a woman in the parking lot, I use cash. To me it seems like a fair exchange. I get 5 meals for the bargain price of just $20. It saves me from having to invest my time and treasure into producing tamales for myself. Of course, I don’t know how to make a small batch of tamales. So, by supporting the efforts of an individual to provide for their family needs; I have the advantage of also procuring food I very much enjoy eating for a fraction of their cost in an established restaurant setting with the added benefit of being able to eat when I am hungry.

When I travel in other countries, I often eat in restaurants. When I am in Heaven, I will eat as needed; knowing everything is provided for me by God Himself. I am not opposed to eating in restaurants. If for no other reason than to increase the variety of my diet. I am opposed to eating food that is ultra processed. whole foods are easy to identify, filling, and more likely to be good for your body than the ultra-processed foods found in most fast-food restaurants. The need for extended shelf life is paramount when transporting food nationwide, or even internationally in some cases. In exchange for a reasonable expectation of quality and consistency, one chooses to eat there. Or not, as the case may turn out to be.

Just as restaurant chains and grocery stores are expected to adhere to a specific standard, so are citizens of both the United States of America and Heaven. The standards for this country are codified in the laws passed by elected officials. Bureaucrats often attempt to enforce “regulations” that are contrary to both the law and common sense. Safety is the stated concern for bureaucrats, the reality has more to do with ensuring their continued employment and power.

For those of us who call Heaven home, we are required to adhere to certain actions based upon our beliefs. In my case, it is a combination of Bible study, experience, and direct communication with my Creator. Identifying myself as a child of God is thrilling. It is also of eternal significance. Unlike being a citizen of the United States of America, which is limited to my physical life here; being a citizen of Heaven is eternal. The choices I make each day are affected by their eternal significance. As a physical being, I have certain needs that need to be met on a continuing basis if I wish to keep living. As a spiritual being, created by God and redeemed by Him, my spiritual needs are fully met both now and in eternity.

I am an American citizen by accident of birth. I am a Marine by choice. I am a child of God by His grace. Only being a child of God has eternal effects. For those who choose otherwise, I don’t understand how you can ignore eternity. The lie first told in the garden of Eden to Eve, that you will not surely die is still being told today. Physical death is a given fact of being alive. Spiritual death can only be avoided by submitting to Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Too many of us want a Savior but intend to be the lords of our own life. That doesn’t work! It is really simple, all or nothing. there is no halfway! I know this is a hard fact to accept, but the alternative is much worse.

The Carpenters had a hit song, “Love is surrender” back in the 1970’s. There’s a great deal of truth in the lyrics. Jesus is truth, finding truth invariably means finding Jesus. Surrender is against our worldly training. Jesus already overcame the world. Surrender your pride, your ego, and your desire to be in charge for the benefits of eternal life. Don’t let Jesus’ sacrifice be wasted. If Jesus can surrender, so can we. Join us, eternity is a very long time.

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.


Yes, this is a shameless pun on the Wizard of Oz, some will say it is a travesty that should not be allowed. So much that is going on in this world fits in that category. But it is allowed because God is still in control! People still have free will. Some people will choose to worship the prince of this world, for a while longer. How much longer? Quite literally, only God knows, and He ain’t telling anybody. Not even Jesus.

At least, while He was still incarnated on this planet, Jesus did not know the answer to when He is going to return. He knew, even then, that He would be returning for His church, then with His church. His first return will be in the air. His purpose being to raise all those who are dead in Christ, then those of us who are alive will join them. His second return will actually touch ground on the Mount of Olives, His entire church will join Him there. Incidentally, His return to terra firma will also end the Battle of Armageddon.

Shortly after that, the New Jerusalem (a cube 1500 miles on each side) will follow shortly thereafter. New housing for the bride of Christ, His church, is graciously provided with all lighting provided by the presence of God. I’m looking forward to it. Even though I am not in a hurry to get there. I get to spend eternity, with God! Because Jesus died for my sins. I have heard of God’s G.R.A.C.E. being an acronym. God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Jesus knew what He was doing from at least the time when the Trinity said, “Let there be light.” He was not forced into it. Knowing the end result was that the greatest number of their creations would gain eternal life, Jesus volunteered.

The title of this post is at least in part a reference to the Presidential Debate between incumbent Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Lots of lies, lots of titles, and no shortage of stares. Of course, there are many liars, many titles, and many staring too! I have opinions, based upon the information I have available. Should that information prove to be incorrect, I will modify my opinion accordingly.

In the meantime, I am held to a higher standard. God demands perfection, which I can be credited with because my Lord Jesus died for my sins. It’s a very personal relationship with my Creator. I often fail, but Jesus paid for all of my sins, and yours too! Put Jesus in charge and gain eternal life! Jesus did all of the hard work! Besides, with the Holy Spirit living within me, I have greater joy than most people. The fun doesn’t stop when we accept Jesus as our Savior, that’s when it begins.

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit; it is dependent on the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Not the circumstances of our lives. Because I am filled with joy, at times, overflowing with this Holy Joy; I often brighten up other people’s day. The light of Christ within me brightens up other people’s day! How awesome is that?

As for those liars, with titles, and stares, oh my! They have the same opportunity to turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness as the rest of us. Some will at the last moment. Praise God! Only God can change us from what we are, sinners, into citizens fit for eternity, in Heaven, with God. New Heaven, New Earth it’s in keeping with the glorified bodies we will have then. I suggest that now is better than later, if for no other reason than because none of knows exactly how much longer we will be alive to seek forgiveness. I know of several people that were completely taken by surprise when some accident ended their lives. Some were Christians, some were not. We’ll find out for sure when it’s our turn to join with Christ in glorified bodies, changed in the twinkling of eye. Hallelujah!

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.


I just saw that headline. I’m sure it will not have any effect upon our career public servants. Sleepy Joe will not see any reduction in his income, I am sure. It’s a good thing for him that all of those billions of taxpayer debt were sent to Ukraine, was it not? I’m sure that Blackrock and Vanguard will be okay too. Of course, all of those multiple term representatives and Senators should be okay too. As a boomer, I’m currently using my benefits to keep my credit cards and car payment made.

And now the media is suggesting I won’t be able to do that either. Oh well, such is life in this world. Fortunately, I know that God is still in control. While the view from here may seem a little bleak, the eternal view remains the same. I am ready for the Rapture. I think it may be yet a while before the return of Jesus for His church. I will need to learn, as Paul did, to be content with what I have. I am used to a certain level of comfort. I have roughed it in the past.

One option is to join a carnival, I suppose. Someone asked me once, if I had any trouble living as Christian while traveling with carnivals. My answer took most of them by surprise when I said, “I don’t know, because I never tried.” That was in 2000. I found myself on the road again from 2003 to 2006. Living as a Christian was easy enough, because I had the Holy Spirit dwelling within me. It’s a funny thing about the Holy Spirit, He will gladly guide you when you let Him. But God will not force Himself upon you. You need to submit to the Lord with every decision.

In the world, one poor decision can wipeout the credit for many good ones. In God’s kingdom, we need to keep making good decisions. Which we are able to do by simply heeding the Holy Spirit. Is it possible to lose Salvation once Christ has forgiven us? I don’t know the answer to that question. God cannot be in the presence of sin, and many of us, yes, myself included have made deliberate choices to ignore God after accepting Him as our Savior. The devil will try to convince you that you are unlovable, unsalvageable, and beyond redemption. As long as you have breath in your body, you still have time to commit to God. It’s simple, but it is hard.

I particularly love the parable of the vineyard owner who keeps going out as the day goes by to hire more workers. He pays the last ones hired a full days’ wage. The ones who worked all day expect to get a terrific bonus. But they complain when they get the same wage. “Hey, I worked all day in the sun! You paid him the same as me!” The vineyard owner says, “Hey, I gave you what we agreed on, what do you care what I pay someone else?” God is the vineyard owner; the wage is eternal life. It’s simple, it’s just hard.

I am NOT suggesting that anyone wait until the last minute. If for no other reason that because none of us know when the last minute will get here. Eternity is a very long time. My security is in Jesus Christ who died for my sins, then rose again! I will keep trusting in Him. Because unlike the U.S. government which has never kept its promises, Jesus is the same always. The writer of Hebrews wrote, “…the same, yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

Is anyone surprised that a government department cannot keep its stated purpose? The purpose of a thing is what it does, not what it claims to do. Homeland Security was founded in the “Patriot Act”. An act that was anything but patriotic, and our homeland is anything but secure. Homeland has 250,000 employees but cannot seem to stem the tide of illegals from crossing our southern border. which begs the question, “What exactly does Homeland Security do these days?” The purpose of a thing is to do what it does.

Jesus did the work to keep us holy in order that we could spend eternity with Him. He knew exactly what was coming, and He came here for us! Jesus died for our sins! Jesus’ purpose was to be the final sacrifice for all of humanity!

It is worth noting that Christians are not promised an easy life. In the United States today, the poorest people have access to so much that kings of old dare not even dream about. Instant communication around the world. Fresh produce despite the season. Thermostatically controlled heating and cooling. Isn’t it amazing that so many people are offended by our flag, but no one seems to be offended by our welfare system. Violent criminals are released after attacking our police officers, but even though they are illegally in our country, the powers that be seem more interested in them than the people who pay the bills.

Remember that God is the original Prepper and that we should learn from the best.